Ideas Generation
The project focuses on using scent as a catalyst for ideas and human stories, the final artefact must resemble an object that the audience can relate to or will be inspired by. The artefact will value scent heavily as well in communicating the message.
I was struggling to choose which scented artefact to create, as the challenge is to make sure the scent lingers long enough for the audience to experience the process. The idea of using a soft book as a medium was a shower thought that came to fruition, as it can hold the source of the scent, as well as utilize illustrations and haptic sensory for a better experience.
Scent Amplifying Device
Air Freshener
Live Cooking
Fart Cushion
Scented Bubbles
Memory Exam Kit
Scent Performance
Tea Spilled Art
Soft Book

What Do You Smell ?
I created this book as a response to my process of only relying on visual designs and always standing on a neutral point of view when working on a creative project. This book is filled with tea scent and the contents are screen-printed onto fabrics. The fabrics are stitched together as a bag to hold the tea bags, giving weight and texture to the pages. When readers flip through the pages, they can smell the pages, and relate to what they smell, or what the illustrations prompt them to think of. The softness of the book allows the readers to smell the cloth more deeply.
The book is not only a repsond to my attempt in shifting my visual-centred practise to be more dynamic, but also to brings up the idea of implementing smell into the creative process.
On the last page of “What Do You Smell?” is a reflection on this project and a message I wanted to deliver. As the meaning behind the making of this book may be abstract, a short explanation could help to understand the importance of our olfactory senses in the creative world.
“This book is a representation of using our olfactory senses for the creative process. We often rely on visuals and sounds for ideas generation. try using your smelling senses more! Through memories and sensations, may our creativity trive through scent.”